Stargazing Mondays

MT Week 1 to 8

Join us on the roof of AOPP for an evening of observing the night sky! Our experts will guide you throughout the event as we explore the prominent stars, planets, constellations, and deep-sky objects. We will also keep an eye out for bright satellites like the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope (yes, you read that correctly!) Given the interest, the event will be further expanded also to include imaging of the moon, planets, deep-sky objects and the night sky! It's a great opportunity for beginners and seasoned stargazers to get together and learn more about celestial objects. So come with your questions and curiosity, and connect with fellow space/astronomy enthusiasts!

Logistics: The event is free. However, the places are quite limited and, the entry would be strictly through prior sign-ups. So sign up fast! Sign-ups open at noon on Tuesday of the previous week. 

The sign-up system has been updated and you'll get an email indicating confirmation or a place on waitlist automatically after sign-up. If you can't make it please cancel using the link provided in your email or by sending us an email before midday (12 PM) of the respective Monday. Your place will be assigned to the next person on the mailing list. 

(The event is subject to (cloud-free) weather conditions & the final decision if the event will go ahead will be communicated on the day of the event! AOPP has restricted access, so you will be escorted into and out of the building by our volunteers, before and after the event.)

Event Date: 

All Mondays of the term

Event Time:

18:30 to 19:30

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